Why W3bstream?

The current "real-world to web3" architecture

Developers often face several challenges when building decentralized applications (dApps) using traditional centralized oracles. W3bstream addresses these concerns by offering a decentralized, secure, and composable infrastructure for developers to build Dapps based on real-world data.

How does W3bstream address these challenges?

  1. Accelerated Go-to-Market (GTM) Time: Building decentralized privacy-preserving IoT and machine applications (DePINs) can be a complex process, requiring developers to consider numerous security and design aspects for both hardware and software. W3bstream provides a set of best practices and infrastructure that enables developers to build DePIN projects efficiently and effectively, resulting in faster GTM and lower development costs.

  2. Trustworthy Decentralized Architecture: Centralized computational oracles, such as Google Cloud and AWS, may lack the trust associated with decentralized systems. W3bstream's decentralized architecture offers transparent application logic, allowing users to have confidence in the underlying processes.

  3. Enhanced Composability: Centralized computational oracles are often designed to fit specific projects, limiting their potential for reuse and interoperability. In contrast, W3bstream is a permissionless infrastructure that can be utilized by any project and freely composed with various devices and dApps, fostering innovation and collaboration.

  4. Privacy Protection (Ownership): Privacy concerns arise when using centralized computational oracles, as both the builder and cloud service providers may have access to users' data. W3bstream supports Zero-Knowledge technologies, providing end-to-end protection for user data and ensuring that privacy is maintained throughout the entire process.

By addressing these key issues, W3bstream offers developers a robust and reliable solution for creating innovative, decentralized applications that harness the power of IoT and machine data while prioritizing trust, composability, and privacy.

Last updated